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Contact Us
Our location
Sánchez Pacheco, 73
28002 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 510 29 99
Fax: +34 91 519 13 26
Purchasing order
Spain and Portugal
Distributor Genycell Biotech España, S.L.
Distribution in Spain and Portugal is taken over by Genycell Biotech Spain, exclusively for New iGENatal and non-exclusively for other products in our catalog. To place your purchase order, please write here:
Other locations
ilab Tech commercializes its products all over the world. To place your purchase order from outside Spain and Portugal, please contact ilab tech under:
Tel: +34 91 510 29 99
Fax: +34 91 519 13 26
Become our distributor
igen biotech seeks new collaborations to make accessible its products to new markets. If interested in exploring new opportunities with us, please contact here:
Technical support
Please, do not hesitate to keep in contact with our Technical Team to solve any problem or doubt you have:
Tel: +34 91 510 29 99
Fax: +34 91 519 13 26
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